UNF*DGE Your Marketing is a show presented by consultant, Kristi Mitchell where business owners come to talk about marketing mishaps/missteps and more importantly, the lessons they learned along the way. In this episode, Jason Henderberg was interviewed to talk about his experience applying lessons learned about articulating yourself to prospects in a networking group setting.  Jason worked with Kristi in 2022 to help better define who his target clients were as a business consultant and they both continue to refer each other to their respective client's when their services are in need.

Takeaways from this podcast are:

1) Know who your target customer is and how you solve their problem with your service or product.

2) Custom tailor what you are paying in person or in writing to make a connection using keywords they can relate to.

3) Present yourself professionally at all times because at any moment, you could be meeting a prospect or potential referral partner.

4) After networking with someone, take the time to follow up and at minimum, send an email or LoinkIn with them.

5) Document your connection even in a simple manner so that you remember how you met and when.

6) Keep the prospect in your sales funnel and increase your attention to them as they move further into the relationship.